Friday, August 8, 2008


I'm on my own tonight...well, sort of. The house is quiet at least! Since it's a nice, cool August evening (and neither of us have to work tomorrow), Jason decided that it would be a great night to "camp" outside with the boys. So, with one air mattress, three sleeping bags, four pillows, a crew of stuffed animals, one flashlight, and a few blankets (because the mother can't help it) my boys are tucked in for the night. I'll probably wander out the front door and sneak into the backyard in a while to see how quiet it actually is in the tent. I have my doubts about the 2-year-old going to sleep, but Jason is a good dad and wants to give him a chance!

Micah thought he would try hanging out with his brother in Ethan's sleeping bag. I can guarantee that NO sleeping would take place if he stayed in there!

Jason has the pleasure of sleeping in between the two wiggle boxes. I don't think he's too keen on going to bed at 8:30, but I'm sure he'll need the extra sleep because he'll probably be up early!

Ethan's trying to pretend to sleep...but he's too silly to keep a straight face.

One of the cutest parts of the night was when Micah was saying his prayers. He will echo us as we say "Now I lay me...." Tonight he said "Now I lay the tent...." and continued on with the rest of the prayer.

I think Jason will have earned a nap tomorrow. :)

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