Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Happy 1st Birthday, Norah!

Dear Norah,

Oh sweet girl, how can it already be time to write this letter? I can't believe you are turning one today! This past year has flown by as we have gotten to know you and your sweet personality. Even though the year was filled with sleep deprivation, laundry, and diapers, I wouldn't change a minute of it because of the joy you have added to our lives.

How do I sum up how much you have changed in the year since you were born? You have gone from a tiny helpless baby to an energetic, spunky (almost) toddler. Forgive me, I can't yet wrap my brain around calling you a toddler. I think I'm going to be calling you a baby for quite a while!

You entered the world with blue eyes and sometime around three months they changed to an almost copper color. After that, they gradually darkened to a beautiful brown. When I look at your face, I'm drawn to your big, beautiful eyes. I love having a brown-eyed girl!

Right now you are a momma's girl. When I hold you and people talk to you I watch you smile and charm them. However, if they reach to try and hold you then you bury your head in my shoulder. I just smile and cuddle you closer--I'm happy when you make it so I don't have to share you!

Everywhere we go people love to stop and talk to you. I think it's a combination of your engaging eyes and pretty smile. Daddy likes to stand back at church and watch how everyone stops to greet you. Like I said before, you smile at people and charm them!

Daddy and I have decided that you are going to be full of mischief. When you reached a point where you could move around the room, you would crawl over to things that you were not supposed to touch. You would reach out, look at one of us, and say "what". Your favorite was the blinds. Now you are interested in cords, plugs, and any paper that we are not smart enough to put up high. We can see the mischief in your eyes and hear it in your little giggle!

One of my favorite things about you is how enamored you are with your brothers. You squeal when they walk into a room and you love it when they get down on the floor and play with you and your toys. They love to make you belly laugh--which you do when they throw things or themselves on the floor. I love to watch them do something over and over again simply because it makes you laugh. Right now they are trying to encourage you to walk. You took three steps last week so they like to stand you up and try to get you to walk more.

Over that last few months you have enjoyed the freedom that comes from crawling and you love to explore your toys. You will sit and flip through board books, push buttons over and over to hear music, and you love to hold your babies and pat them on the back while saying "awww". Daddy taught you to pile the rings on your stacker and you love to shake, shake, shake your rattles. We love to watch you do a "Norah dance" whenever you hear music. It's so silly!

I have loved listening to you find your voice. I miss the tiny baby babbles, but it's fun to hear you say "cah-cah" (for Micah), "bye-bye", "da", "ma", and "cra-cah" (cracker). Your other favorite words are "wow" and "what". Your first word was "uh-oh". We also think you say your own little version of "what's that", though I'm not sure how to type your version. You also love to use your ability to shake your head "no". One of my favorite ways to hear your little voice is when you mimic singing our "Bye-0-Bye" song.

My sweet girl, I'm looking forward to another year where I can watch you continue to grow and change. You have a darling personality that includes a wonderful mix of your dad and I. While I miss my tiny baby, I can't wait to see more of who you will be.

I love you, baby girl. Happy 1st Birthday.


Thursday, May 12, 2011

Quote of the Day

I guess it was more of a conversation than a quote, but cute whatever way you look at it!

Jason was getting ready to take me to work so he called up the stairs to Micah and asked him to come and get his shoes on. No response. He called a few more times and when he still didn't get an answer he went and knocked on his door.

Jason: "Did you hear me? It's time to go."

Micah: "I didn't hear you when you were calling me."

Jason: "How many times did you not hear me calling?"

Micah: "A bunch of times."

That boy cracks me up. I love how he didn't realize that he basically told Jason that he ignored him.

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Mother's Day 2011

Today, Mother's Day, was a lovely day for me.

The morning began with slobbery baby kisses, cuddles, and sweet Mother's Day notes from my boys. The other highlights of my day included hugs from my mom, a glass of wine with dinner, a long walk in the beautiful weather with my family, a call with my mother-in-law, and a l-o-n-g nap. In fact, it was so long I may not be able to sleep tonight.

In my opinion, a recipe for a perfect Mother's Day.

I am truly blessed.

Friday, April 29, 2011

Happy 5th Birthday, Micah!

Dear Micah,

I'm behind in posting my birthday letter to you. I could blame it on how quickly your last year went by, because that is true! I could say it's because I'm in denial about you being five years old already, because that would also be the truth. However, it came down to the fact that the week of your birthday was a rough week for dad and I and while we worked hard to make sure your birthday was a happy day (I'm glad to say it was!), this blog was not in the forefront of my mind that week. So, even though I've been thinking about this letter to you for many weeks, it's just now getting written down. Thankfully, you are a gracious, easy going guy that I know would say to me "that's OK, mom" if I told you I was behind. You are just that kind of kid.

Five years old. Oh my, how can that be? Over the last year, you have shot up in height. In fact, at your five year check-up I learned that you grew 2 and 3/4 inches over the last year. You are still my little man, but you are definitely bulking up and growing strong! Dad says that when you wrestle with him that you can hold your own. Sometimes you randomly walk up to one of us and punch us (I know, that doesn't sound nice, but I think it's affectionate?). After dad and I tell you not to punch people, we often comment to each other that your punches have crossed the threshold from playful to painful.

Much to your delight, you started preschool this past fall. You LOVE going to school! On your first day, you were so excited that you ran around the backyard. You could hardly sit still--I felt bad that you had to wait until the afternoon to go to school! I love hearing about your day at school and all the fun you have with your new buddies--Brady, Conner, Ella, and Mylia. I'm sitting here trying to think of which part of school that you would call your favorite. Could I say all of it? You love the stories, the rhymes, the songs, the books. You love cutting paper for projects and showing us your Clifford pages. You are thrilled when you get to bring show and tell and you absolutely beamed when Dad, Norah, and I were able to visit your class for your birthday celebration. Your teachers are fantastic and we love how they teach you and love you.

One thing that has not changed over the last year is how much you love to be a helper. You are my little shadow and you are willing to help me with whatever you can. We bake, clean up, do laundry. You make tasks that can be mundane so much more enjoyable. My favorite is when you help me bake. I think you are so silly because whenever a recipe calls for salt, you always want to try it. This year you did an awesome job of making your very own pie--with only minimal help from me! Maybe you'll be a pastry chef someday!

This year dad and I had the pleasure of watching you move from the role of the baby of the family to the role of big brother. You absolutely adore your sister--so much so that we often have to tell you to back up or leave her be! The beaming smile that you had on your face the first time you held he is etched in my memory. You always want to give her kisses, hug her, and you love it when you can make her laugh. I've watched you do the same silly stunt over and over again simply to hear Norah's giggles. You are a wonderful big brother!

I love to watch you play. You have a great imagination and you love to create little Playmobil, Lego, Batman, or Transformer worlds. Sometimes all of the worlds meet! You stay busy a long time and I love to see the make believe world you create. My favorite was when I found a line of guys lined up on the wood trim behind Norah's crib. You had them all in a "hands up" position. Like they were all waiting to be arrested. I wish I had come in time to hear the story that went along with that one!

You are my music man. During Advent you were gutsy enough to get up in front of church with three other kids and sing a chorus. We practiced and practiced and you did great! You were very serious when you sang, and you sounded like you were singing the bass part! Anytime we are driving around in the van you ask "Can you turn my kids music on?". You love to sing along with all of the songs, even if you don't quite know all of the words.

This year you also started going to Children's Worship at church. You love going to your class and hearing your Bible story. You faithfully remember to ask us for coins for the compassion child that you take an offering for. I love your giving heart. You love to say prayers at dinnertime and will carefully listen to the Bible story at bedtime. I love to hear the aspects of the story that you remember. Keep learning, little buddy, and may you continue to thoughtfully and cheerfully give to others.

Mr. Micah, you are such a joy in our lives. You have a contagious giggle, a sweet smile, and an awesome personality. I love you so much and I'm so thankful that I'm your mom and that I am able to watch you continue to grow. Happy Birthday, sweet boy!



Saturday, February 19, 2011

Happy 8th Birthday, Ethan!

Dear Ethan,

How can you be at yet another birthday? I blinked and the year is already gone. I looked back at my last few letters to you and it is so fun to see how you've changed and grown. You are still my same sweet boy, yet you continue to develop into so much more.

Over the past year you finished up first grade and made a smooth transition into second. You still love school, though this year you enjoyed your snow days and other vacation days instead of wishing you were still in school. Dad and I are amazed at all that you have learned already in second grade--you've moved beyond addition and subtraction to beginning multiplication and fractions. You read long books and you love to set (very) high reading goals for your monthly reading chart. Your favorite books are nonfiction ones about the subjects you are learning about in school. You also love mysteries, joke books, and the Boxcar Children series.

This past fall you started playing on an AYSO soccer team. It's perfect for you and you love every minute of the time you spend with your team, the Sharks. You have never played as part of a team before so dad and I were excited to see how you would do. Your excitement began on the day we signed you up and continued through every game and practice. I was working and had to miss your first game, but everyone who was there said you were in perpetual motion. On the days that I could, I loved watching you play--you have a great coach and he has taught you well. Dad and I especially love how exhausted you are after your practices and games. You crash when your head hits the pillow!

You are still quite a game player. Your favorite right now is the card game Monopoly Deal. At first I tried to be nice to you when we played. I should know better than to let you win. You don't need any help from me. It's all I can do to win when we play, even when I show no mercy! We play round after round after round. We still sneak in a few rounds of Triominoes, but I think you figured out that when I make you keep score it is so you can practice your math.

You continue to love anything sports related. When you play outside, you generally have a soccer or football field set up and you spend a lot of time dribbling the soccer ball around the yard. You love it when dad plays catch with you (not so much when I do it because there is no accuracy in my throwing!). On most Sunday afternoons you are checking to see if there is a ball game on TV--football or baseball, and you'll take a basketball game if it's your only option. Dad loves that you like to give a play-by-play during the game...just not so much when he's taking a nap. In September you were able to go to your first Major League Baseball game with "the guys". Sheer bliss for you.

This has been the year where you've decided to try pushing more boundaries--testing some of our limits and telling some lies. Thankfully for your dad and I, you are a terrible liar. You get this certain expression on your face and we immediately know that there is something you don't want to confess to. I think you try so hard to look innocent that we know there is something going on that you don't want to 'fess up to. You try to tell us "no" about things and boy does that bring out the stubborn in your mom and dad. We prefer the times when you'll talk things out with us, but I guess it's understandable that you want to test the limits.

You continue to be an awesome big brother. With the addition of your sister this year, there are more and more ways that I see how well you fit in this role. From the day Norah was born (after you declared "I didn't want a sister") you have been conscious of her and her needs. You regularly hold her for me so I can quick take care of something and you love to make her burst into fits of giggles. You'll even throw yourself on the floor if that will make her laugh. I also see patience and love when you interact with Micah. He loves it when you play Legos with him and you are often willing to include him when you play with your transformers. There have been days where the two of you will spend a whole morning playing together in the Lego world in your room. Thanks for being a wonderful big brother.

This year in school your teacher has been focusing a lot of time on prayer. I love that you are receiving that as part of your day to day education. Recently you had to memorize the Lord's Prayer; something you already knew. It was interesting to me to listen to you pray that prayer after I knew you had talked about it at school. I can tell that there is now more meaning behind the words for you--you are more careful and precise in your prayer. It is my hope and prayer that you continue to nurture that thoughtfulness and that you continue to think about your spiritual life.

Ethan Zachary, you are a blessing to our family and we look forward to what this next year holds for you. Happy Birthday, buddy!



Wednesday, February 9, 2011


I have to admit right up front that I really doubted the meteorologists on their predictions of a blizzard. They had predicted large amounts of snow a few times before and it amounted to very insignificant amounts. So, when this next "storm" rolled around, I told a girlfriend "I'll believe it when I'm shoveling it". Well, I shoveled like crazy that day!

We started the day early with a phone call from my boss saying I did not have to come in to work because the snow was so bad. Yippee! A snow day for all since Jason could take an office day. Jason and I couldn't resist peeking out all of the windows before going back to bed. When we noticed our neighbor shoveling, we decided to head out and help her since she had to go to work. It was a very peaceful time to shovel!

Later in the day, when Norah went down for a nap, we headed out to shovel more. The snow drifts were huge and the boys had a great time climbing around on them. I wasn't as fond of the snow when it took Jason and I an hour and a half to clear just the end of our driveway. All of the snow from the road had been pushed there and it was very heavy! Also, because of how our driveway is set up, we have to push the snow down the sidewalk before tossing it into a snowbank. Tons and tons of work! Jason worked on the driveway more later in the morning and then we finished it together in the evening. Whew! We got our exercise in that day!

The boys thought it was awesome that they could stand on a snow pile and touch the roof of the garage.

Even though it was a lot of work to shovel out, I do have to say that I loved the dumping of snow! I'm good now until next year. :)

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Goofy girl

Norah has developed a bit of a bad habit while she is in her high chair. I can't decide if she does it because she likes the noise or if its because she is bored. Whatever her reasoning, she is loud! She can even move the whole high chair when she does this. Such a goofy girl!

Untitled from Janna on Vimeo.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Conversations with boys, vol. 3

Boy: Do you smell something?

Mom: Yes.

Boy: Excuse me.

You'll have to use your imagination for the following: the tone of my voice when I said "yes" and the odor in the air. I'm still wondering how the conversation would have gone if I had said "no".

Sunday, January 2, 2011


I've mentioned this before, but I can't help but repeat that I love looking at the "year in review" stories in the newspaper and watching the clips on TV. In keeping with that theme (and because I didn't post a lot of pictures that I meant to), here's a Year in Review for our family! 2010 was a year filled with blessings!

In January, the boys spent a lot of time playing outside. Ethan worked hard on this snowman. My favorite part is that when he added the rocks for teeth he made sure it was missing one like he was (front and a little off center).

We had time for indoor fun in January as well--because it's cold outside! Micah and I spent time with our MOPS group at an indoor gymnastics facility. He loved it, and it was a great way for him to burn off some energy! (As I'm looking at this picture I can't believe how young Micah looks! Someone has grown up this year!)

February brought Ethan's 7th birthday. His presents centered around things that keep him active--a ball glove, sled, and scooter.

February also included more snowman building time. The boys really enjoyed having each other as playmates outside!

By the time March hits we are ready for the Spring thaw! Most years we end up on a walk on nearby trails. The boys love going to an area with a small boardwalk next to the creek. It's become a tradition to find rocks and throw them in (or over) the creek. Since I was 7 months pregnant in March, it was wonderful for me to get out and about a little more without worrying about the ice.

April brought Micah's 4th birthday. I love the excitement of birthdays at that age. He is my little helper and a baker in training, so he gladly pulled up a stool and helped me mix up the batter for his pirate ship birthday cake.

May was a busy, wonderful month as our family of four gained a new member when sweet Norah Elizabeth joined our family. The end of the month passed in a blur of nighttime feedings, naps, laundry, burps, and diaper changes. The boys were great helpers and happily fetched whatever their tired mommy needed.

The day after Norah was born, Ethan was able to take a field trip with his first grade class. Part of the fun of this particular field trip was that they took the Amtrak as their primary transportation on the way there. It has become a tradition for the school to have the parents line up at one of the train crossings to wave at the kids when they pass on the train. Since it's just down from our house, Jason and Micah went to wave to the class as they passed. I guess there was quite a crowd! It was fun to hear from Ethan the excitement of the kids when they saw all the parents and siblings waving.

June was filled with getting to know Miss Norah and finding ways to keep the boys busy while I was on Maternity leave (for some reason they thought family nap time was a crazy idea).

June also brought opportunities to pick one of our favorite fruits--sweet cherries! The boys are pretty good helpers and we went a few times so we could have plenty of cherries to eat, freeze, and can.

As June turned into July, we headed out to the lake! My parents once again were able to rent a cottage and the kids and I pretty much moved in! Jason was able to come and go for work (and even took a few days off--like the one following a late night Tornado Watch). The cottage pictures should have had a post of their own, but having a new baby and returning to work at the end of July trumped blog posting! So, I'll toss in a few of my favorites here!

This last one from the lake makes me laugh because it reminds me so much of the picture in this post from last year. It shows how tired the boys are after being so busy in the lake all day!

The end of July brought the opportunity for us to have Norah baptized. It was a special day and we were blessed by our friends and family who were able to celebrate with us. I enjoyed getting Norah ready for the day as we were able to put her in the same baptism outfit that I wore as a baby.

My sister-in-law was able to snap this picture during baptism. A wonderful picture to help us remember that day!

August brought hot weather and a bare-bellied boys. I had fun dressing Norah in all her summer gear--tiny crocs from my coworkers and a cute hat were perfect attire for a church picnic.

Ethan and Micah continued to love on their sister. She learned to give big gummy grins when they were nearby.

September first and foremost brought back-to-school for Ethan and preschool for Micah. As we settled back into the school routine we still made time for berry picking--this time raspberries! Most of them were turned into Jason's favorite, raspberry jam.

The beginning of September also brought a new activity for our house. Ethan started his first year of playing soccer. To say he loved it is a gross understatement. He thrived on the activity and quickly learned the rules and positions. We loved that it made him so exhausted that he fell asleep almost immediately when he went to bed. Yeah for exercise!

In the beginning of October we mourned the loss of Jason's grandmother. She was a wonderful woman and we were thankful that we were able to gather with family to celebrate her life and faith. On the afternoon of her funeral, we spent time with Jason's family looking at art in our community. It was a wonderful afternoon and an occasion where everyone could be together and enjoy each others company.

One peculiar, or unique, happening in October was the boys' discovery of a large snake in the backyard. We've never seen one this size before. I'm hoping it doesn't reside permanently in our backyard! It was fun to check it out with the boys, though I kept my distance!

We finished October with Halloween--we had a soccer player, a baseball player, and a little ballerina. Much candy was enjoyed by all (well, everyone except Norah!)!

November brought a "thankfulness" tree to our house. We periodically added leaves on which we had written things that we were thankful for. It was fun to hear what the boys wanted to put on their leaves. It was a great way to remember to be thankful for the many blessings in our life!

November also brought a new phase for Norah--food! We started out with rice cereal. She's not a huge fan of it, but she eats it very well!

At the end of the month, we had the opportunity to take a mini-vacation with our family. We spent a couple of nights in a hotel and just enjoyed hanging out. The boys loved the TV in their "room" and we spent lots of time in the pool and hot tub!

December brought lots of time with family. We love being able to celebrate Christmas with those we love. I figure a great way to end a post about our year is with a picture of our family. We are indeed blessed!