Thursday, September 18, 2008

Speech explosion

Micah has reached the 2-year-old stage where his vocabulary increases exponentially each day. There are times in the day where he jabbers nonstop. He did this before, but then we couldn't understand a lot of what he said. Now, we're able to understand more each day as his words become more clear. Jason and I, as well as our family members, find ourselves laughing at the words and expressions come out of his mouth. Enjoy some of the highlights!
  • He now says "Micah" instead of his previous version, "me-ah". He also says "E-tan" instead of his earlier version, "E-T".
  • My mom was telling me that Micah sat and listened the other day as Ethan described his day at school. Ethan talked about how one of the boys in his class had pushed him and had also pushed some of the other kids. Micah's response..."thas not vry nice E-tan".
  • Jason likes to ask Micah if he is his buddy. Micah always tells him "I not your buddy, I mommy's buddy". He'll say he's Jason's friend, though.
  • He has taken to telling me that most everything he eats is "de-wish-us". He also described something to my mom the other day and told her it was "dangerous". The big words crack me up!
  • Last night Jason was teasing Micah about something. Micah told him "knock it off, daddy". I managed to not laugh out loud.
  • Jason was gone for business last week. We watched him leave on the airplane. The whole week, if you asked Micah where Jason was, he would tell you "daddy on airpwane". I tried to tell him that Jason landed, but he just couldn't grasp that!
  • This summer, Ethan was being an antagonist (as brothers can be). Micah wasn't going to stand for it, so he looked at Ethan, pointed his little finger at him, and said with a force only a 2-year-old can muster "E-NOUGH". Hmmmm...I wonder where he heard that before?
  • One of my favorite things to hear him say lately is "I have no idea". Coming from him, being clueless is absolutely adorable!

Saturday, September 6, 2008

My funny boy

Ethan cracks me up this week. Here's why...

On Thursday, the second day of school, I asked him what his favorite part of school is. He told me "gym class". I responded with "You haven't even had gym class yet!". His response... "I know it will be my favorite when I have it".

On Friday I asked him what he played at recess. My five-year-old-going-on-twelve-year-old told me "We played chase the girls." The mother who can't help but act like a mother said "Did the girls want to be chased?" Thankfully, it didn't seem like they minded.

Today I told Jason that while I was at work, I would love it if he and Ethan cleaned his bedroom. It was already picked up, it just needed a little TLC. Jason told Ethan that they should get started cleaning his room. Ethan's response... "Dad, if I pay you, will you clean my room?" Smart kid. I asked Jason to check how much he was willing to pay. It could have been worth doing myself. He was willing to pay $2.00--not enough to get me to do it, but I bet someday Micah will!

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

First Day of Kindergarten

Ethan had a wonderful first day today. He was so excited when he woke up this morning. We managed to be ready early, so I had plenty of time for pictures!

Getting all decked out in his new backpack and shoes.

Micah had to get a backpack ready, too.

He is very excited about his new school shoes, so he insisted I take a picture of them.

I don't like to think about how old he looks in this picture. This is not a pose...this is simply my boy.

Finally at school (where mom was allowed to accompany him to his door). His teacher showed him where to put his backpack, and he was off to play with his friends. I realized that I may have entered the stage where I have to get hugs and kisses at home. Once he spotted his buddies from preschool, he didn't want to have anything to do with me anymore!

Overall it was a great day!

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Musings of a mother

Here I am, once again, on the eve of another school year. I'm not as emotional as I was last year; I really think I'm doing well considering Ethan's going to Kindergarten. I mean, the child is going to school every day. And he's taking the bus home. Without me. On his own. Have I ever mentioned that I never rode the bus to school? That I always walked? That this whole "boarding the bus and riding around with the bus driver as the only adult" thing is totally foreign to me? I know. Kids do this all the time. I just never did. Ethan will love it...he's already realized that he's getting a bad deal because he only rides the bus home (we live too close to school, so we don't qualify for a bus ride on the way there). Check off one more thing that I have to learn to do through my kids.

Wow. Small bus tangent there.

We went to his school tonight for an open house. They also welcomed us to the school community with a "new family" dinner. The friendliness and care of the staff and parents reaffirmed for me our decision to send him to this school. It's a great place, one that I think we'll love a lot.

The teacher sent home the first newsletter with us. By the time I read through that whole thing, I was about brain dead. Did you know you can buy extra insurance for your child for while they are at school? I'm not sure what all it covers...

Also, because of the world we live in, there is a form for everything (and often a check to go along with it). We can get Ethan white milk, chocolate milk, strawberry milk, or even orange juice. We have to send in information about any medication that he takes...even if it's just at home. He needs to have a bus tag on his backpack so they know where to send him. Emergency numbers...people allowed to pick him up if there is severe weather...signing off on field trips...allowing his picture to be used in publications when appropriate. Wow. I know it's all necessary, and I'm not really trying to complain, but it's a lot to keep track of!

I asked him tonight if he wanted me to walk him around the school to the door where his teacher will be waiting. I'm pretty sure he rolled his eyes at me. He told me I didn't need to walk with him; that he could do it himself. Then he looked at me, sighed, and said "well, maybe just on the first day". We'll see what he wants in the morning.

Once again, I'll send my boy off with a prayer, a smile, and maybe a few tears. I love that he's growing up and learning so much. I also love that there are times when he still slips his hand in mine.