Tuesday, February 19, 2008

My son

Dear Ethan,

Today you turn 5. Five. One whole hand. I can hardly believe it. You seem to be growing as I blink. I can't help but think back to the day you were born (as I tend to do every year). I smile when I think about how I turned down going out for lunch with your grandma because I was going to the hospital to be induced. Since your grandma is smart, she suspected where we were going (especially since when I was pregnant I never turned down an opportunity to have lunch). I replay all the stages of labor and delivery at the hospital, and I usually tear up when I think about how when you were born the doctor immediately placed you on my stomach and I was able to pick you up and declare "It's a boy!". What a joy it was to introduce you to everyone! You're not a baby anymore, but you always will be in my heart.

This past year you went off to school. You love it, and your dad and I love to sit and listen to you tell about your day, and your friends, and all that you learned. You remember the facts you learn in school with incredible accuracy (which sometimes leads your mom and dad to look up your facts...just because they are things we don't always know ourselves). You're already talking about going to Kindergarten.

You've developed a love of all things NASCAR. We have no idea where this love came from since your dad and I don't watch NASCAR, nor do any of our family members. The first time you saw a race, you were hooked, and now you tell us all about the drivers you know and you love to drive your NASCAR matchbox cars in pretend races. This past weekend you watched the Daytona 500. You were so excited about it that you were literally bouncing.

Some days, your dad and I feel like all we do is "nag". You've learned to push limits and will try hard to get dad and I to change our mind when we decide something you don't like. We're having a hard time deciding what type of discipline works best for your stage in life...so for now you've spent a lot of time sitting in a chair waiting for the timer to run out. One of these days we hope to find something that works better. You also don't like that your dad and I have made you eat more foods, even just trying one bite. We've been known to beg, plead, threaten, joke, tease, and send you to your room. However, you're like me, so you will only take that one bite when you decide to...if ever. You were happier the other day when I told you that you could take corn from the dish yourself (until I told you that you had to take a least five kernels...a gigantic spoonful to you). I was shocked that you took out six kernels and promptly ate them. I'm hoping it was progress, but I also remember that you did it at grandpa and grandma's house, so it could have been a show.

For a while, I've questioned if we taught you any manners. The constant burping noises are enough to drive me crazy, which is probably why you do it so often. I say "don't spit" on a regular basis because you seem to think that spitting noises are all the rage. All boy you are. Then, when I figured I'd work on manners in a year or five, you suddenly are chivalrous. Yesterday, we pulled in the driveway, and you noticed that the path to the van had filled in with snow. "Wait here in the van, mom" you said. "I'll shovel you a path and you can stay where it's warm". You then shoveled a path all the way around the van...and gave me a "thumbs-up" when you went by my window to let me know it was clear. I don't know whether to laugh because you're silly, or cry happy tears about how sweet you are.

You love your brother like crazy. I know you think it's fun to provoke him, and it's not always happy noises exchanged between the two of you, but you're starting to enjoy him as a playmate. You're great at cheering Micah up when he's fussing, and you both like to race around the house after each other.

My dear boy, I pray that your sweetness and caring about others stays with you all your life. I pray that you continue to ask questions about God, and that you keep appreciating the beauty of the world He created. You are a wonderful child, and an awesome gift to your dad and I.

Happy 5th birthday little man.




Kristi said...

Happy Birthday Ethan!! You have brought an incredible amount of joy and laughter into our lives. We look forward to watching you grow, learn and continue becoming the perfect little man we've already seen in the past 5 wonderful years.

With all of our love, Uncle Mike, Aunt Kristi and Colin

Janna, thank you for making me weep like a baby.

Jennie said...

Holy cow! I'm hormonal. Anytime you want to think about writing books, you might rival with Karen Kingsbury. I'm sitting here, tears rolling down my face. Our little Ethan is so big! I hope that my baby is much slower at growing up, cause Ethan's growing up so fast!

Beth said...

Sheesh...you about me cry too. What a nice letter. Be sure to save that for him along with those pictures (he is so cute!). Do you do that for every birthday? I think might have to start doing that! It's hard to believe he's so big already. I can remember when you announced you were pregnant. We came to your house to pick up some boxes for our move to IN. Hope you have fun celebrating!

Anonymous said...

i have to say that Ethan is more chivalrous than my own husband. I can't believe he's 5! It seems like it was only a few years ago that he was on my christmas list :)

DeMaster Family said...

Caleb is looking over my shoulder and says, "Happy Birthday, Ethan!" He is also wondering what Ethan got for his birthday.:) Caleb was asking to have Ethan over, we'll have to do that sometime. That was a really beautiful piece, Janna. You should definitely save it!

Rozema Family said...

Wow! That was amazing! happy birthday sweet boy!