Friday, October 26, 2007

Happy Birthday

Today is Jason's birthday, and it's a big one. The big 3-0. This is a big deal really only to me; he could care less that he's 30. I, however, love that he's turning 30 before me. I don't know why it's such a big deal, especially since I'll probably smack him if he makes a big deal out of my 30th. :)

We're going to celebrate quietly today. Ethan helped me make M&M cookies since Jason doesn't really like cake. I think I'll actually cook him a good dinner, maybe even with meat, potatoes, and a veggie. We're going to take Ethan to a movie tomorrow evening, and then the boys are having a sleepover at my parents so Jason and I can go out to dinner for his birthday and have a full night's sleep. That's right, I said it, a FULL NIGHT'S SLEEP. Now that is a true sign of the fact that we are aging.

So, happy birthday to my wonderful husband and an awesome father. We're thankful for the years God as given you and pray for many more celebrations to come. I love you, Jason!


Rozema Family said...

Happy B-Day Jason!

Anonymous said...

What a bad sister-in-law! I forgot to call even though i knew it was his birthday. So, Happy Birthday Jason!!! Enjoy your rest tomorrow!

Kristi said...

Happy Birthday Jason!!! Mike's happy to add another person to the 30's Club :)

DeMaster Family said...

Happy belated birthday Jason! I can't believe we're going to start turning 30 soon! So did you guys get a full nights sleep?:)