Thursday, October 11, 2007

New link

I've added a new link to my "blogs I love to read". Usually I don't do a whole post about a new blog I'm addicted to (mainly because I'm not going to admit to how many blogs I'm addicted to reading!). However, this one seems worth it to me, and I think it may be worth it for some of you out there. If not now, maybe someday. Anyway, today at my MOPS group, we had a woman named Karen Hossink come to speak to us. She talks about being an Irritable Mother. Specifically she talks about "confessions of an irritable mother" and how God is using the difficulties of mothering to challenge and shape her. I'm not going to type out her bio or go into great detail about her story. You can read about her on her website and blog. However, I do want to say that I have been challenged by her and encouraged by her. I didn't buy her book...but I have a friend who's going to let me borrow it to read it. I think it will be worth reading more than any fiction book I find. I guess what I'm trying to say is that despite the fact that many of the joys and fun parts of mothering get posted here by me, there are also other aspects of mothering that are harder to admit. The hard parts are real life, and those are (some of) the places where God is working in me.


Beth said...

Thanks for the link. I just read a couple of her recent posts. I can see why you're addicted. I've been really struggling and thinking about some of those things a lot lately. My moms program has had two great discussions about motherhood and I've been reading "Guilt Free Motherhood" again. Awesome book btw. I highly recommend it. I'm learning to cut myself some slack. Give myself some grace. I have a long way to go, but at least I'm recognizing the need for it.

DeMaster Family said...

Wasn't she a great speaker? We might have her to our MOPS group again-I hear she does a presentation on depression as well. I'll get the book to you next time we meet up.