Thursday, October 11, 2007

Pacifier Hunt

In keeping with my recent post about Micah's love of his pacifier, I thought I would post a video of Micah on a "pacifier hunt" at bedtime. We have to check underneath his bed for any wayward pacifiers that may be under there. The other night he had himself totally under the crib while searching for one!

My disclaimer for this video...I know, I realized too late that I referred to Micah as Ethan while I was taping him. I almost didn't post the video simply because I didn't want to prompt teasing! However, it was too cute to not post it, so be nice!


Beth said...

I posted a comment here, but it disappeared. Anyway, I loved the video. Very cute. Nathan is quite attached to his pacifiers too. Ugh! After the speech eval today, they said high recommended that we get rid of it by the time he's two if not before. Blah. I told them right after he's done w/ those nasty 2 yr molars, I'll start. No sense in driving myself nuts before then.

Anonymous said...

Very cute! I even had to listen twice to hear you call him Ethan. As far as Matt's amazing can judge for yourself. Go to It will definitly give you a view of the wierd things he's always thinking.

Anonymous said...

I didn't even hear you call him Ethan, I had to listen to it with my volume turned up, so I wouldn't feel so bad about it. Plus I call Steve George sometimes....Oops, it'll only get worse after this baby comes I think!

MiniMe Mom said...

So glad you decided to delurk..I did not even realize you had a blog!

It was nice seeing you again at MOPS. Love the video by the way.