-When you feel like someone should congratulate you on your ability to lay a flailing, crying, tantrum-throwing child on the floor without causing anyone in the area to get hurt.
-When you act like a parrot by repeating every noise, word, or phrase that comes out of your child's mouth.
-When you greet everyone in every store you're in because your child has either waved or said "hi" to them as you pass.
-When you know that a meal is done because food is thrown at you or being spit out of the child's mouth.
-If the most common word said by almost everyone in the house is "no".
-When you are happy because the word "truck" actually sounds like "truck".
-If you could (should) vacuum around your kitchen table three times a day becuase so many crumbs and pieces of food end up there.
-If you fear the light switches in your home will break because they are constantly being turn on...and off...and on...and off...
-If you love wet, slobbery kisses simply because they are kisses from your child.
-If you love hugs from tiny arms.
-If you stop to smell every "pretty" (aka flower) on your walk through the neighborhood.
1 comment:
- If you get "Mommy, poo poo on the potty" so you run into the bathroom, whip off the diaper, only to find out that the "little dear" has already poo-pooed. . .
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