Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Five gallons of disinfectant, please

I feel the need to disinfect my house from top to bottom. The boys are sick...again...and now I'm not feeling too well, so not much disinfecting is going to happen! They both have colds, and since they are kids and don't blow their noses, they swallow all the snot until their stomach is upset and they throw up. It's lovely, especially since they really only get upset stomachs in the middle of the night. Yes, Jason and I have become quite familiar with the hours of 2 am to 6 am. In the last two nights, I've been bathing a child at 2:00 in the morning. Not really high on my list of things to do in the middle of the night. However, I do think I got the better end of the deal last night. I was the first one to get to the child who was throwing up, so that meant that I had bath duty instead of cleaning up the bed duty. I have a wonderful husband. I won't go into any more details than that. My poor hubby is probably dry heaving just reading about this experience again. Anyone want to come live here?


Rozema Family said...

Put the Rozema Family under the "NO" column in your invite list. Uhhhh. . .I just CAAAAN'T wait for Loren's next Flu/cold vomits! Gah!

Anonymous said...

Thats disgusting. I don't think you had to go into so much detail.

Beth said...

Ugh! I'm so sorry. I hate night time sickness. Things are always so much worse at night than in the daylight. Hope everyone is on the up and up. Do you think Ethan is bringing the germs home from school? Dum skool, why doo whe haft to sen hour kidz?