Thursday, October 4, 2007

Excuses, excuses

What excuse can I use for my lack of posting lately? I've been busy...I started working at my old job again...Micah's been sick with a nasty cold and has been extra clingy...writer's block...or maybe I've just been too lazy! Anyway, I'll try to play catch-up!

My birthday was a good day. I had to work in the morning, but I did get out earlier than I expected, so that meant I could spend more of the afternoon with the boys. Ethan helped my mom make a birthday cake. It was delicious, though one of my more interesting cakes since he chose blue and green frosting on the chocolate cake. His favorite colors are naturally mine! Jason and I put the boys to bed on time and then used a gift certificate to get take-out for supper. It was a delicious, peaceful dinner!

We've discovered something unique and comical about Micah. He's had a nasty cold lately, so his nose has been running constantly. The funny things is that he doesn't mind us using the nasal aspirator (the one from the hospital). He actually tries to use it on himself sometimes. He also doesn't freak out when we wipe his nose. We think it's kind of strange, but don't argue when he stands still for us! We're hoping his cold moves on soon!

I've figured out a new form of exercise. Ethan wanted to ride his bike yesterday, which is not something that he's wanted to do very often this summer. I think he's a little intimidated by the bike, so he just doesn't want to ride it. Anyway, yesterday he wanted to, so I loaded Micah into the stroller and figured I could give Ethan a few nudges, and he'd be able to ride with me following alongside. I was wrong. :) He pedaled the bike, but I pretty much pushed him the entire way. He kept randomly slamming on the brakes, so I had to get him started again. He started doing better on the straight stretches in the end. I was worn out after pushing him and pulling Micah in the stroller. I'm sure it was quite a sight for anyone who passed by us!

Ethan is loving school. He has a couple of new friends that he talks about all the time. Every morning he is excited to get ready for school and is usually standing by the door with his backpack on long before we need to leave. His class is working through the start of the alphabet, so we are starting to talk a lot at home about what letter words start with. I love to listen to the songs and rhymes that he come home with, too. We love to see him so excited about school!

Writer's block is kicking in again, so I'll have to post more later. Maybe I'll find some pictures to post of our recent activities!


Anonymous said...

Glad to hear from you. I was going to shoot you an email this morning to make sure you were doing okay! :) Nathan has a cold too. It's not too nasty at this point. He's also cutting his 2 yr molars. Yea! Too funny about the aspirator. We got that out again too. Sometimes Nathan does okay with it. TT later!

Kristi said...

I'm sorry to hear about Micah. Hopefully he's starting to get better! I love how much Ethan loves school! I can't wait to hear more about his new discoveries and songs.

Commenting on your comment to me: Thanks for the "good" news about my soon-to-be eating habits. Hopefully it'll make me lose weight :) I can handle being hungry sometimes but my stomach is constantly growling and I think my co-workers are getting annoyed :)