Today I tried to be a good Samaritan...and it definitely did not work out like I thought it would! I was driving to my mother and father-in-laws to drop of the boys because I had a bridal shower. While I was stopped at a light on my way there, I noticed a dog running around in the intersection and in the road. Thankfully it was not a busy intersection, but the dog was still close to being hit by a number of cars. There were many people that stopped to avoid hitting the dog, but no one made any effort to stop and get it out of the road. So I'm I try to get this dog, or am I totally insane to try and help it? I couldn't just drive on, so I watched the dog for a bit and noticed that it was sitting almost every time it got by the driver's door. I decided that I would try to call the dog and see if it was obedient. It was, so I loaded it up in the back of my van (once I had the seats set up so that the dog couldn't get by my kids). I thought, how hard can this be? Look at the tags, mapquest the address at my in-laws, and bring the poor dog home. Boy, was I a little off.
The dog had a shock collar, but no tags. Nothing identifying on it at all. Lovely, now I have a dog, two kids, and I'm supposed to be at a bridal shower in 20 minutes. So, I did what every lovely daughter-in-law does (right?). I greeted Jason's parents with two boys and a dog and told them I'd be back in a few hours. Thanks mom and dad for not shaking your heads until after I left. They were good sports and helped me tie the dog to a tree.
I went to the shower and then went with my sister-in-law to get an extra collar and leash from their house. Then I went back to my in-laws and Jason and I walked the dog all around a couple of neighborhoods by where I had picked the dog up. Nobody recognized the dog. So now I'm thinking my good deed has really blown up. I don't want a dog at my house!! Granted, she was well behaved, but I still don't want a dog! Plus, someone was probably looking for her because she was obviously well cared for.
Jason and I ended up calling Animal Control and they came and picked the dog up. Of course, we had to give our temporary pet a name: she was dubbed "Mildred the white girl dog" by Ethan (I think Jason helped with the Mildred, but the rest was Ethan). What a day!