We had an opportunity to go to the boys' school (notice the plural--now it's Micah's school, too!) tonight for an open house. It was a chance for Ethan to meet his teacher and check out his new classroom. We also took a peek into Micah's classroom, but he will meet his teachers at a preschool open house next week.
Ethan quickly found his desk and gave it a whirl. He's thrilled that school is starting soon. It was a long summer for this boy. He loves school so much!
He took a tour of the inside of his desk. He has a pencil box filled with all sorts of treasures--a penny, pretend money, a tape measure, dry erase marker, a glue stick, and a pen (this was exclaimed over as he has always used a pencil in school until now!). There were also workbooks and folders. All ready for next Tuesday!
Micah was excited that his classroom was open and we poked around in it for a few minutes. He took some time to meet the preschool birds and the fish.
He also had fun looking around the rest of the room. He's very excited for next week when he is able to look around some more. He'll start school the week after Ethan, so we'll have a little more time to prepare me, I mean him, for school (really, he's so excited there's not much preparation!).
We are all looking forward to getting back into the school routine!
How exciting for both of them! My prayers are with them and the teachers as they prepare for a new year.
Whatever will Norah do without all the noise and kisses
El NiƱo Y Tu Pilin
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