Sunday, August 22, 2010

Rolling over

Norah is growing so fast! It is so fun to watch her grow and learn how do to different things. She doesn't mind tummy time, so we put her on the floor on her tummy and she loves to look at the boys or mommy and daddy.

While we were at the pediatrician for her two month checkup, the doctor put her on her tummy as she was telling me about the importance of tummy time. Much to the surprise of the doctor, Norah rolled over! The doctor laughed and said, "well, I was going to tell you that usually happens around four months, but I guess not!". After the doctor's appointment we kept putting her on her tummy to see if the rolling over was just a too-heavy-baby-head fluke, but she kept doing it! Now, she's pretty good at rolling when she doesn't want to be on her tummy any more. We don't think it will be too long before she rolls from her back to her stomach either. She can already get herself on her side!

One day (a couple of weeks ago already!) while she was checking out the world from her stomach I grabbed the camera just in case she decided to perform. I was happy when she did! Enjoy my cute girl!

Rolling over from Janna on Vimeo.

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