Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Toothbrush conversations

Odd title, right? I thought I would give you a glimpse into one of the conversations that Jason and I had a few nights ago. We were getting ready for bed and we were both brushing our teeth. For some reason, that particular moment was when we talked about our schedules for the next day. It was a different schedule than usual, so it involved some discussion to coordinate picking up the boys and switching vehicles. What made this discussion unique was that we were able to carry on this conversation and figure out the details...while still brushing our teeth. With our toothbrushes in our mouths, and none of the foamy toothpaste out of our mouths, we were able to understand each other. Some of the conversation happened via hand gestures, but most of it was mumbled phrases around a toothbrush. I found it to be so odd that we could understand each other. I ended up laughing like crazy.

The point of this post? (Other than a discussion about dental hygiene and grossing people out by talking about toothpaste foam...) As of today, Jason and I have been married for nine years. Our relationship has grown and changed over the years...and we've developed some unique ways to communicate. Toothbrushing conversations would be included here.

Has it been an easy nine years? Maybe a few of them could be considered easy, but in order for our relationship to be what it is today, we've had to go through hard times. Is God still working in our marriage? I can only hope so, because He's given us something incredible with what He's done so far.

We're celebrating quietly this year, with a simple dessert...OK, maybe home and some time spent with Ethan and Micah at the park (I'm becoming quite a baseball player; I hit a home run at the ball diamond). Basically we took the opportunity to enjoy the blessings that surround us.

On this day, where we celebrate our marriage, I will definitely tell Jason how much I love and appreciate him...without my toothbrush in my mouth.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Last Day of School

Today was Ethan's last day of preschool. Micah and I were able to join Ethan at the end of his school day for an end of the year picnic. We had ice cream treats out on the playground (and since it didn't quite hit 50 degrees today, it was kind of a chilly picnic! We didn't have to worry about the ice cream melting!). Ethan enjoyed a few last moments of playing with all of his classmates on the playground.

To say that we are sad that Ethan's school year is done is an understatement! He loves school so much and he is disappointed that he doesn't get to go back until the fall. Ethan asked me if he'll see his teachers again (and he already asked if he'll like his new teacher!). There were some tears shed today...but it was still a fun day! It's amazing to look back over the year and see how much he's grown and changed. Physically, emotionally, intellectually, even spiritually!

Ethan had two wonderful teachers this year and we are so grateful for the time and energy they put into teaching him! We loved his preschool!

He wanted to bring the cookies I made for the teachers out to the playground. :) My kids' teachers get gifts of baked goods!

Just so you can see how much he's changed, here is Ethan on his first day of school...

And this is Ethan on his last day of school. What a wonderful year it has been (now off to figure out what in the world we will do to keep us occupied for the summer!).

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Happy Mother's Day

One of my girlfriends emailed me this a while back. I believe it was originally published by Focus on the Family. I thought it was fitting for today! Happy Mother's Day to my mom and mother-in-law, and to all those I know and love who are also moms!

“What Remains”
The Love Chapter for Parents by Cindy Dagnan

If I spend my days building skyscrapers with blocks, assembling cool stuff out of legos, and creating relationships with other moms at Starbucks, but I have not love, I am only the siren of the kids’ ride-on firetruck, annoyingly stuck on hold.

If I have the gift of knowing which child attempted to flush the Hot Wheels down the toilet and which one pushed her sister, and if I have faith that somehow we’ll survive life’s emergencies, but have not love, I am nothing.

If I save all my box tops for school and give outgrown clothing to the local shelter, and if I surrender my body to stretch marks and under eye circles, but have not love, I gain nothing.

Love is patient when someone isn’t ready to use the big-girl potty. It is kind when my husband has a hard day. It doesn’t envy my neighbor who drives the new sport utility vehicle I can’t afford.

It isn’t rude, snapping at my spouse or my children when things don’t go my way. It is not easily angered at real or perceived injustices.

It always protects the smallest, sweetest family confidences; always trusts God to provide my children’s needs; always hopes in the freshness of tomorrow and the bright future of family; always perserveres amid hardship and doubt.

Where there are sleepless nights, they shall end. Where there are diapers, little league, and dioramas built from shoeboxes, they will cease. Where there is knowledge of baby care trends, discipline strategies, and boy-girl problems, it will pass away.

Now these three remain: faith, lived out in my daily circumstances and instilled in my children; hope, of one day rejoicing with my family in heaven; and love, which covers over a multitude of less- than-perfect moments.

But the greatest of these is love. It is what remains… long after I am gone.

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Mother's Day Celebration

Today I was able to go to Ethan's preschool for a Mother's Day Tea. Ethan told me many times that we weren't really going to have tea though, just punch. :) The kids were very excited...I'm not sure how the teachers kept them focused until it was time for the party! They had the room decorated very nicely in a spring/bug theme. We enjoyed a bug-decorated cake, bug crackers, and punch. The kids also sang some songs for us. They were so cute! Ethan excitedly gave me a "mom" keychain (that he decorated himself) and a potted marigold. Such treasures!

The beautifully decorated table

Ethan's piece of cake...a sunflower

My piece of "ladybug" cake

One of the many cute songs that they sang...

What a great way to begin celebrating mother's day!