First, I'd like to say that being tagged for this one is not cool. Thanks a lot, Olivia. :) I have a lot of letters in my name! It took me quite a while to complete this! Anyway, I'll spare you the whining and just post the rules.
1. You have to post these rules before you give the facts.
2. You must list one fact that is somehow relevant to your life for each letter of your middle name. If you don't have a middle name, use the middle name you would have liked to had.
3. At the end of your blog post, you need to choose one person for each letter of your middle name to tag.
4. Don't forget to leave a comment telling them they're tagged, and to read your blog for the rules.
My middle name is Elizabeth.
E- Eternal life. I'm forgiven, saved, and have the promise of eternal life with my Savior. There's nothing better in life than that. Every day I'm learning more about how important that is.
L- Loves. I have a lot of loves in my life...God, Jason, my boys, my family, my friends, chocolate, reading, talking, sleeping.
I- Interesting sense of humor. I'm a bit sarcastic in my humor, some may call it a bit dry. Whatever it is, I think it's a little odd sometimes.
Z- OK, I'm stumped on this one. I've been thinking and thinking and waiting to post because I can't think of a "z" word to describe myself. So, I'm finally just giving up and saying think of one on your own for me if you really want me to add one. :)
A- Addicted to "couponing". I have a new obsession lately. I'm saving us a ton of money on groceries with my coupon addiction, but it's ridiculous sometimes. I've been know to drive to family members' houses to pick up a coupon. Before you mock me too much, know that I won't have to pay for shampoo/conditioner, toothpaste, toothbrushes, razors, shaving cream, pain relievers, or cereal for a very long time. Some weeks, our grocery budget is down to around $10 for the four of us because of the coupons that I use and the gift cards that I've earned.
B- Baking. I love to bake. It actually is a form of therapy for me sometimes. If you come to my house and there's no special occassion and I have baked goods everywhere, I'm probably stressed out about something (not always, but there's a good chance). It must be something in the process of putting all the ingredients together and making that yummy result (or maybe it's the dough that I love to eat). Whatever it is, I love to bake cookies, bars, pies, cheesecake...I could continue on, but now I'm craving some dough.
E- Eleven and a half. That's the amount of time that Jason and I have been together. Yes, his mouth just fell open when he read that number. We've been married for eight and a half years, and dated for three years before that. Wow, we're inching closer to the point where I've spent over half of my life with him. Sweetheart, I love you more than the day I married you. I'm praying for many more years.
T- Two kids. I have two adorable boys that keep me on my toes. I love how they love me, and how they face the world with excitement and questions. I love that I can make an ouch go away by kissing it. I love how they love life every day.
H- Hold grudges. I'll admit it. I hold grudges. I'm not going to list some of my long-standing ones, simply because I'm not too proud of them. :) My sister is reading this and laughing because she knows exactly which grudge I'm talking about. Needless to say, this is an area of life that I'm working on. I just can't help it sometimes. Some days I do better than others!
Here's where it gets difficult. I have to think of nine people to tag. Here goes...Kimberly (because I know you have spare time right now), Stacy, Beth, Kristi, and Suzanne. Now for the people who don't have blogs/websites but I know are out can post in the comments or start a blog. :) Jennie, Julie, Merridith, and my mother-in-law.
Way to go! I was starting to think that you wer just ignoring my tag :)
We need to go out for coffee sometime so you can teach how to use coupons to get my grocery bill lower like you do!1
Coffee sounds I just need to get good at lowering my bill for coffee just like I lowered my grocery bill. :)
Thanks for the tag--hear the sarcasm?? At least my middle name is short. Too bad it's kinda odd letters for describing oneself. Oh well. BTW, I am truly impressed at your savings. I can't believe we bought a house that's not near a CVS. Quick Brag: I got GM cereal b/t .50 and .70/box this week!
Thank you so much Janna. Can I just pretend I didn't see this post?:)
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