Thursday, June 28, 2007

Working...outside the house!

I've been busy lately, therefore not much time to blog! Over the past week I went to work four days...something I haven't done since I quit my job when Micah was born! I've been working with my mom doing some cleaning in new houses and washing windows. Tiring days, but it's been fun to chat with my mom and the other ladies while we cleaned. A little "girl" time and work all at the same time! Makes it much more fun and easier to get the work done. Plus it was nice to have a paycheck again! However, I'm now exhausted and don't feel like cleaning in my own house!

So it wasn't my house that was getting cleaned, and my computer wasn't actually broken to prevent me from blogging...but I still thought this picture was cute!

We've had a revolving door of babysitters to watch the boys. Sometimes different people over the same day! Our families are awesome, they helped make it easy for me to get out and do this extra work! I can't even begin to express how much I appreciate each one that was able to help us out! I've got a lot of babysitters I could recommend. :)

The boys have enjoyed seeing all of our family members. I suspect they have been spoiled all of the days that I've been gone!

1 comment:

Kristi said...

Speaking as a babysitter, I love being able to watch the boys. It's such a joy.

Sometimes I think the boys like it just as much as we do. They like trying to get away with things that mom and dad would never let them do. "Mom lets me put the slide into the pool."