Thursday, March 18, 2010

30 weeks

It's hard to believe I'm this far along already. This pregnancy seems to be flying by! I'm getting a little more uncomfortable each day, but I guess that's to be expected at this stage of a pregnancy! I decided I better make sure I have at least one pregnant belly shot--something for the baby book before I feel like I'm really huge! They are timer shots, so only slightly awkward!

All of my doctor's appointments have been quick and routine. Just what I like at this stage! Beginning in April, I'll switch to every two weeks and then every week in May.

This baby is a busy one--I don't remember either of the boys being this busy, so I don't know if that indicates a different gender this time around or a busy boy! I'm getting really excited to find out! Micah has started referring to the baby as "she" all the time. Ethan is still sure that the only possibility is another brother. I've had a few complete strangers tell me I'm having a girl. Again, I can't wait to find out the gender! Mostly, I'm just excited to meet this new little one!

Tuesday, March 9, 2010


Now that it's March, Spring seems so close! Especially with all of the sunny days we've had lately. Even though the last thing on my mind is snow, I wanted to make sure that I posted pictures of the snowmen that the boys created this year.

Ethan made his snowman one evening all by himself. He was so proud of it! He collected rocks from around the yard for most of his decorating.

I had to make sure I took a close up picture of the snowman because he pointed out to me that the snowman was missing a tooth just like he was! He cracks me up with the details that he thinks about!

After the last big snowfall both boys played outside and worked together to make what may be the last snowman of the season. I was at work that day, but Jason sent me a picture so I could see what the boys had been up to (they would literally play outside together for hours!).

I'm not 100% sure of what they used to decorate it this time, but it looks to me like they found sidewalk chalk and went to town. :) They were very proud of their creation!

Monday, March 8, 2010


Although this happened way back at the end of December, I wanted to make sure I still posted about it. Ethan lost his first tooth! He had two teeth that were VERY loose--they were so ready to come out that the two new teeth were already growing in behind them! We tried to convince him that we should just pull it out (well, Jason did more than me--loose teeth gross me out!) but he wanted nothing to do with that. He wiggled that tooth until it was practically dangling in his mouth. Thankfully, one evening he decided to just pop it out!

Here's the "toothless" grin!

His second loose tooth stayed in his mouth only a little while after he pulled the first one out. He actually popped the second one out in school. He was so proud, and he really enjoyed his visits from the tooth fairy!