Dear Ethan,
How can it be that a year has passed and it's already time for me to sit down and write this letter to you? There are so many days where I wish that time moved much, much slower. Since that is not a reality, I need to remind myself to enjoy you at each and every age.
It's hard to know where to begin to describe your last year. It's easy to say that you've grown taller--I commented to your dad the other day I don't even need to lean over to hug you anymore. The great part about how much you've grown is that it is easy for you to get your arms around me and give me a big hug. I love that you still lean against me and let me hug you.
Over this past year you finished 2nd grade and moved on to 3rd. I apparently have a hard time remembering that because this fall I labeled all of your pictures for trading with "Ethan, 2nd grade". Thankfully your dad caught my mistake before you took them to school to pass them out. Next fall that will be your job! You still love, love, love going to school. You thrive on the routine of it, and relish the opportunity to learn new things. The other day you were sick in the middle of the school day. When I brought you home, you were upset about having to miss gym class. However, I think you were the most upset because you missed FRED (Free Reading Every Day) and the introduction to the space unit. You still love reading--this year you have loved reading the 39 Clues series and most months made it a mission to see how quickly you could get the time in for your reading chart.
This fall you started the Cadet program at church. You LOVE going to the meetings, though I wasn't sure you were going to make it through the year after the first few meetings. The end time for the program is past your bedtime, so for a while the few days after your meeting were not fun around here. Zero fun. To say that you were tired and crabby seems like a ridiculously huge understatement. We had to have a few talks about how doing activities like this were a privilege and how you need to learn how to not take your tired days out on your family. Especially your mother. We made it through that learning period, and now I can enjoy hearing about what you enjoy about the meetings (instead of worrying about the after effects!!). So far you've done glass etching, made a picture frame, learned how to make a popsicle stick "bomb" and a marshmallow shooter has joined the arsenal on the top shelf. You've learned to love hanging out with the guys--and I've learned to send you straight to the shower when you get home.
Your love of sports has not wavered since I wrote my last letter. We had a great time watching you finish out the school year with your AYSO soccer team. You decided not to play this past fall as you wanted to play baseball in the spring. I loved the joy on your face when I told you we had you registered for Little League. I can't wait to watch you play. You've become dad's sidekick as a sports fan--you love to talk sports and watch games with him--especially the Tigers. I was hoping they would win the World Series this year, mainly so I could watch your excitement. Since that didn't happen, I'm going to enjoy watching you through another season.
Where do I start in describing the big brother that you are? You and Micah are such good buddies--you can play for hours in your room with your Lego's or outdoors with whatever ball you guys decided to pull out of the shed. There are times when you act like siblings (fighting and hurt feelings and all that comes with growing up), but for the most part you really, truly enjoy each other as playmates. I also love watching you with Norah. The way you'll read to her or entertain her in her crib for a few minutes for me. You love to make her laugh, and there's not much that sounds more beautiful to me than my children laughing together.
I can't end my letter without noting how I've watched you develop Spiritually. You are learning to talk to God through prayer--I sat and listened to you lead prayer at a praise assembly at school recently, and my heart was so happy. You continue to learn Bible verses for school, and I hope that you are able to remember those verses as you grow. Your dad and I picked out a devotional book for you for your birthday this year. We are praying that it becomes an important part of your life and that it will help you learn even more about our awesome God and his kingdom.
My dear son, you are a joy to your dad and I. God has blessed us with a wonderful son and I am so thankful I get to watch you grow. I love you, buddy.