Dear Micah,
I'm behind in posting my birthday letter to you. I could blame it on how quickly your last year went by, because that is true! I could say it's because I'm in denial about you being five years old already, because that would also be the truth. However, it came down to the fact that the week of your birthday was a rough week for dad and I and while we worked hard to make sure your birthday was a happy day (I'm glad to say it was!), this blog was not in the forefront of my mind that week. So, even though I've been thinking about this letter to you for many weeks, it's just now getting written down. Thankfully, you are a gracious, easy going guy that I know would say to me "that's OK, mom" if I told you I was behind. You are just that kind of kid.
Five years old. Oh my, how can that be? Over the last year, you have shot up in height. In fact, at your five year check-up I learned that you grew 2 and 3/4 inches over the last year. You are still my little man, but you are definitely bulking up and growing strong! Dad says that when you wrestle with him that you can hold your own. Sometimes you randomly walk up to one of us and punch us (I know, that doesn't sound nice, but I think it's affectionate?). After dad and I tell you not to punch people, we often comment to each other that your punches have crossed the threshold from playful to painful.
Much to your delight, you started preschool this past fall. You LOVE going to school! On your first day, you were so excited that you ran around the backyard. You could hardly sit still--I felt bad that you had to wait until the afternoon to go to school! I love hearing about your day at school and all the fun you have with your new buddies--Brady, Conner, Ella, and Mylia. I'm sitting here trying to think of which part of school that you would call your favorite. Could I say all of it? You love the stories, the rhymes, the songs, the books. You love cutting paper for projects and showing us your Clifford pages. You are thrilled when you get to bring show and tell and you absolutely beamed when Dad, Norah, and I were able to visit your class for your birthday celebration. Your teachers are fantastic and we love how they teach you and love you.
One thing that has not changed over the last year is how much you love to be a helper. You are my little shadow and you are willing to help me with whatever you can. We bake, clean up, do laundry. You make tasks that can be mundane so much more enjoyable. My favorite is when you help me bake. I think you are so silly because whenever a recipe calls for salt, you always want to try it. This year you did an awesome job of making your very own pie--with only minimal help from me! Maybe you'll be a pastry chef someday!
This year dad and I had the pleasure of watching you move from the role of the baby of the family to the role of big brother. You absolutely adore your sister--so much so that we often have to tell you to back up or leave her be! The beaming smile that you had on your face the first time you held he is etched in my memory. You always want to give her kisses, hug her, and you love it when you can make her laugh. I've watched you do the same silly stunt over and over again simply to hear Norah's giggles. You are a wonderful big brother!
I love to watch you play. You have a great imagination and you love to create little Playmobil, Lego, Batman, or Transformer worlds. Sometimes all of the worlds meet! You stay busy a long time and I love to see the make believe world you create. My favorite was when I found a line of guys lined up on the wood trim behind Norah's crib. You had them all in a "hands up" position. Like they were all waiting to be arrested. I wish I had come in time to hear the story that went along with that one!
You are my music man. During Advent you were gutsy enough to get up in front of church with three other kids and sing a chorus. We practiced and practiced and you did great! You were very serious when you sang, and you sounded like you were singing the bass part! Anytime we are driving around in the van you ask "Can you turn my kids music on?". You love to sing along with all of the songs, even if you don't quite know all of the words.
This year you also started going to Children's Worship at church. You love going to your class and hearing your Bible story. You faithfully remember to ask us for coins for the compassion child that you take an offering for. I love your giving heart. You love to say prayers at dinnertime and will carefully listen to the Bible story at bedtime. I love to hear the aspects of the story that you remember. Keep learning, little buddy, and may you continue to thoughtfully and cheerfully give to others.
Mr. Micah, you are such a joy in our lives. You have a contagious giggle, a sweet smile, and an awesome personality. I love you so much and I'm so thankful that I'm your mom and that I am able to watch you continue to grow. Happy Birthday, sweet boy!